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Monday, January 20, 2025

Fragments of experiences

Tienes que leer

Querida yo

Chaguaní del alma

Maria del Refugio Sandoval Olivas
Hgo del Parral, Chihuahua, México La pasión por escribir se manifestó desde su juventud, consolidando su primer encuentro formal, con su participación en el año 2002 en Historias de Migrantes, en el 2007, responde a    convocatoria emitida por la SEP y su historia de vida docente es seleccionada en la antología“Huellas en el tiempo”. En el 2009 publica el libro autobiográfico “Anhelos, sueños y esperanzas”, en el 2011 “Una Rosa sin Espinas”, 2013 es antologada en “Experiencias directivas exitosas”, 2015 y 2016 antologada en “Monografía de Competencias docentes”, convocadas por ENSECH; colaboradora en el Diseño de guías estatales para trabajar los Consejos Técnicos Escolares, autora de varias ponencias publicadas digitalmente,  como “Oralidad de la Lengua” en Argentina,  asistente y ponente en Congresos Educativos, dictaminadora del Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa, cuento “Dulce” publicado en 2018,  “Suspiros rotos” poemario publicado en 2019, cuentito “La navidad y yo” 2019; además,  es editorialista semanal en el periódico “El Sol de Parral”. Jubilada de SEP en el 2017 sigue aportando al sector educativo como: tallerista para padres de familia, docentes, alumnos y público en general. Conferencista en distintos niveles educativos en el estado de Chihuahua. Participante activa en los “Encuentros de escritores parralenses” Cuenta cuentos en preescolar y primaria. Practica el cachibol, en la Delegación de jubilados y pensionados DIV2 Socia activa de la Benémerita y Centenaria “Sociedad Mutualista Miguel Hidalgo”

If we could write the most relevant events that happen every day, it would be a compendium of experiences that would not only be shared with potential readers, but are an introspective glimpse into the soul of the person who writes it; because reliving those magical moments, written from the perspective of different emotions that bathed heart and thought in those moments, allowed the concatenation and rescue of precise words to describe them to emerge.

Magic happens around us from the moment of conception, it is clothed in the processes of development, birth and the implications of growing up in a certain family nucleus and context, as well as the genetic, emotional, social and economic circumstances that act as mitigating factors and triggers of character and personality.

Under that premise in mind and certain that the right people arrive at key moments to be part of our lives, becoming the causality of what is described here.

I am a writer by passion and conviction, not because of this, far from the processes of formal literary training, such as: workshops, diploma courses and a deep immersion in reading, a platform that supports the development of the word, forming those platforms where the different literary genres, with a scaffolding provided by more skilled writers, who open gaps to visualize other paths, until finding their own path, with light and voice, that allows their message to be heard by the community.

Revista Latina becomes that projection window, where you not only contribute, but grow by reading, researching, commenting and learning about what is happening around the Latin and Hispanic community. Its founders, Edgar Bernal and Citlalitl Ceballos, reach out to the North Carolina community, rescuing common problems and situations of the people around them. Their university training and research eye show them that there is a long way to go, visualizing the need to create a virtual space where people themselves become protagonists, communicators, helping them rescue those legends, traditions and culture of their countries of origin, to promote an encounter with their identity and acculturation, as well as the promotion of influencing the new generations, by recognizing the richness that the language and dialects of their ancestors entail, among the many benefits of their distant homeland.

In this way, I was invited to participate in this virtual space, first, with my literary texts, then, researching and contributing about Latino characters who have influenced the culture of the United States, rescuing their origins, struggles, setbacks and achievements obtained after the perseverance, work and dedication.

The name of Cornelio Campos was not familiar to me, nor was his art and personal and community history, so being invited to write his biography was a challenge that I accepted with pride and much gratitude.

To the extent that virtual meetings became more constant, doors and channels of research were opened, fostering a closeness with the characters, admiring their country essence and a state of the Mexican Republic, full of color and cultural folkloric heritage, which yet, I had not been lucky enough to meet.

It was in this constant development where ties of union and brotherhood were woven, both with Edgar, Citlalitl and Cornelio, and with the contexts and characters mentioned in the text. The painting “Northern Reality” was used for the cover and the layout and editing process began until reaching the dream of every writer: the presentation of the book.

I took the flight to North Carolina, with emotions running high, on the one hand, I would meet my friends personally and on the other, hoping that the text would have the shelter and acceptance of the public. Without a doubt, coordination and collaborative work were determining factors for both presentations, the first took place at Duke University, with great enthusiasm we noted the presence of professors and students, who were in charge of the refreshments, presentation, translation and development of the event. At the end of it, we had a book signing.

The second was held at the Raleigh Consulate, with a live Facebook broadcast, where the Consul of Mexico herself coordinated the questions and participation of Edgar, Cornelio and your servant, as well as the public who was kind enough to accompany us at the time. precise and delayed.

The hostess was evident; I was able to visit the history museum of the city of Raleigh, where a chest of drawers or chiffonier is exhibited with a brief description of the motif captured in the work painted by the author; We also went to recreate the pupil in some of the murals found throughout the streets and buildings of Duke, of course, which also have Cornelio’s signature and approach. On both days, we enjoyed the cuisine offered by some local restaurants.

In the midst of that joy, the time came to return home, my luggage was carrying a heart full of joy, my mind, with expanded learning and focusing on new projects, my soul covered with satisfaction and gratitude for the expressions of affection received .

I am sure that the book: “Art, mirror of an immigrant. History of Cornelio Campos” has already begun its mission, flying to other spaces, reaching the homes that decide to adopt it, identifying with the common elements that we share as human beings, visualizing the differences, raising awareness of the multiple difficulties faced when immigrating. towards other countries and cultures, learn to merge the cultural richness of both and always feel proud of your roots, your people and your town; never give up on following your dreams, on learning and sharing.


Book available at: Revistalatina.com

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