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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Latina magazine is yours

“The place where we discover many cultures,

but the pride of belonging to each unites us”.

Revista Latina, founded in 2018 by Edgar Bernal and Citlalitl Ceballos, is an organization that promotes multicultural, educational, social, and commercial activities for Mexicans and Latin Americans living in North Carolina, USA. Over the years, they have carried out various initiatives and projects to promote the culture, art and business of the Mexican and Latin American community in the region. These activities include cultural festivals, book publications, an online store for Latino artists, support during the COVID-19 pandemic, and virtual events.

Latina Magazine has become a reference for Mexican and Latin American émigrés in North Carolina, providing them with guidance, information and connections to prosper in their new life abroad. The magazine’s new logo, designed by visual artisan Miguel Brown, represents the unity, balance and harmony that characterize its philosophy and principles.

The 2022 Ohtli Prize was awarded to Edgar Bernal and Citlalitl Ceballos in recognition of their commitment to the culture, arts, and business of the Mexican and Latin American community in that part of the world. The magazine has served as a beacon that guides and directs immigrants in their search for advancement and opportunities, being a valuable source of information and support for the community in North Carolina and beyond.

[vc_custom_heading text=”RL receives Ohtli Award 2022″ font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

On September 15, 2022, the Government of Mexico, through the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME) and the Consulate of Mexico in Raleigh, NC, USA, awarded Revista Latina the 2022 Ohtli Award. The delivery ceremony was part of the civic event commemorating the 212th Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico, held at Flower Field in Dix Park.
This award is granted once a year by the Mexican consulates and consists of an emblematic medallion, a silver rosette and a diploma.
Ohtli is a word from the pre-Columbian Náhuatl* indigenous people, a member of the Aztecs or Mexicas, who lived in the highlands of Mexico and Central America. According to its history and magical handwritten literature (in codices) this means “path” or “path” that someone opens and leaves the footprints of their bare feet on it to guide others. It is a sign of good omen and timely and effective guidance so that those who follow those who dared first, find their destiny more easily, in addition to giving reason, meaning and confidence to the heartbeat that motivated them to undertake the journey to new horizons.
The essence and meaning of this ancestral word, increasingly valid as its implementation is necessary in contemporary society, especially in Mexican and Latin American, embody The Ohtli Award as the highest award for those who, during their pilgrimage around the world, do not have hesitated, do not hesitate, to mark your path with the footprints of your feet. This, so that the new generations of young Mexicans in search of airs of progress, opportunities or spaces to make or remake their lives, can follow them, find the trail of the path that will best lead them towards their expected destiny.

[vc_custom_heading text=”The Ohtli Award as the highest award.” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

The essence and meaning of this ancestral word, increasingly valid as its implementation is necessary in contemporary society, especially in Mexican and Latin American, embody The Ohtli Award as the highest award for those who, during their pilgrimage around the world, do not have hesitated, do not hesitate, to mark your path with the footprints of your feet. This, so that the new generations of young Mexicans in search of airs of progress, opportunities or spaces to make or remake their lives, can follow them, find the trail of the path that will best lead them towards their expected destiny.

On September 15, 2022, the Government of Mexico, through the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME) and the Consulate of Mexico in Raleigh, NC, USA, awarded Revista Latina the 2022 Ohtli Award.

The Ohtli Award as the highest award for those who, during their pilgrimage around the world, have not hesitated, nor do they hesitate, to mark their path with the footprints of their feet.

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Miguel Brown and his motto: “Wanting is power”. He interpreted the artistic essence that moves the fibers of this medium and masterfully captured it in the new logo that from 2022 identifies and projects this magazine.

[vc_images_carousel images=”43084,43159,38565″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_no” slides_per_view=”3″ hide_pagination_control=”yes” hide_prev_next_buttons=”yes”]

In the new iconic logo, the complexity involved in capturing in simplicity the notions of unity, balance and harmony is evident.

[vc_custom_heading text=”Promote multicultural activities” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

Behind this organization there is a commendable history of entrepreneurship on behalf of Edgar Bernal and Citlalitl Ceballos. A couple of Mexican professionals who, with the purpose of raising, initially in the two Carolinas, the name of Mexicans and Latin Americans, with an emphasis on their countrymen living in their environment, in 2018 founded and launched in Cary, Carolina de Norte, USA, a site to promote, promote and disseminate its multicultural, educational, social and commercial activities.

Soon that lighthouse on the diffuse cliff of that foreign land began to emit its dim and continuous light and, since then, it became a benchmark for Mexican and Latin American emigrants to navigate something more safely towards the desired objectives. Yes, that lucky initiative began to generate impact results during that first year: 2018, especially in terms of artistic, literary and informative manifestations. From that moment on, the pages of the Latina Magazine have been present for business promotion, making known writers, musical groups, artists, as well as institutions and associations, educational programs, reflection topics and gastronomy, along with interviews. , literary reviews and even healthy recommendations.

[vc_custom_heading text=”Provides and generates added value” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

Each publication in this medium contributes and generates added value, like a light in the foreign sea of forgetfulness, to the Mexican and Latin American community anchored in the distance, either through advertisements, classifieds, information on online stores, guidance for the development human, news, documents, supports, prevention programs, mental and physical health care, vaccines, medical insurance, finances, tourism, commerce, audiovisual content, success stories and inspiration from Latino leaders abroad, articles of interest for everyone… well.

[vc_images_carousel images=”53516,53520,53518″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_no” slides_per_view=”3″ hide_pagination_control=”yes” hide_prev_next_buttons=”yes”]
[vc_custom_heading text=”2019 – 2020″ font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

Here are some of them, among a plethora of traces marked during their journey by this Mexican couple in their Latin Magazine, which the Government of Mexico took into account, through the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) and the Consulate from Mexico in Raleigh (NC) to award them the 2022 Ohtli Award:
In 2019:
1. First Children’s Day Cultural Festival in Raleigh, North Carolina, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Mexico in Raleigh and Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina.
2. “This is Mexico” project, audiovisual material created to show what Mexico is from North Carolina.
3. Celebration of the Day of the Dead: “Ruta de Día de Muertos”, with the North Carolina community and the creation of multiple offerings representing different states of Mexico.
4. Participation of cultural groups, folk dances, music, art, gastronomy, workshops for children and Mexican crafts.
5. Launch of the online store to promote the creations of Mexican and Latin American artists based in North Carolina and promote small Latino businesses.
In 2020:
1. In a pandemic, participation in campaigns against COVID-19.
2. Promotional support for local businesses, organizations, government agencies, educational, artists and virtual cultural celebrations.
3. RL 2020 Children’s Day Cultural Festival – Virtual.
4. Digital 3D Galleries Project Mexican Artists based in North Carolina.
5. Virtual Celebration of Mexico’s Independence from North Carolina, with the development of more than thirty videos in different locations throughout North Carolina, to connect the Mexican community and show how enriching its culture is abroad.
6. Day of the Dead 2020, Raleigh NC.
7. Revista Latina virtual projects to expand beyond North Carolina, implementing mobile applications and Alexa.

[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw-p7u3CZBw” align=”center”]

RL Children’s Day Cultural Festival

[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Nk8o7Sb_Ic” align=”center”]

Cultural celebration of the Day of the Dead. Downtown Raleigh, NC.

[vc_custom_heading text=”2021 – 2022″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

in 2021
1. Revista Latina Editorial publishes books that tell the stories of Mexican and Latin American characters inside and outside the country of origin.
2. Launch of “Revista Latina Stream”, a platform to broadcast audio on the Internet with informative and entertaining content.
3. With the increase in COVID-19 infections, Revista Latina creates Revista Latina Stream.
4. COVID-19 campaign: “It’s now, get vaccinated, protect your family” to inform the different vaccination programs within the community and the importance of being vaccinated with the participation of community leaders.
5. Cultural dissemination of local artists and artists from other regions.
6. Cultural celebration of the Day of the Dead 2021, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Mexico in Raleigh and Dix Park Conservancy, Dorothea Dix Park.
In 2022:
1. Digital content for various organizations and educational institutions helping to promote their services.
2. RL Children’s Day Cultural Festival 2022, face-to-face and virtual.
3. Participation in campaigns against COVID: NCDHHS “A healthy summer”.
4. Cultural dissemination of local artists and artists from other regions,

Here, with a separate point, we must mention the Dominican and visual artisan Miguel Brown and his motto: “Wanting is power.” He interpreted the artistic essence that moves the fibers of this medium and masterfully captured it in the new logo that from 2022 identifies and projects this magazine.
In the new iconic logo, the complexity involved in capturing in simplicity the notions of unity, balance and harmony is evident. Ingenious simplicity that in turn allows conceptualizing behind the light the ‘see, do and let do’, principles and philosophy of its managers. In the same way, in the strokes of the new emblem, the effort, skill, ingenuity, organizational capacity, differentiation, relevance, esteem and knowledge that each and every one of the team members promote from its pages can be appreciated. of this family of Latin Americans scattered beyond their beloved national borders.

Giant applause for Revista Latina for dropping anchor and becoming more than a beacon that guides with its perennial flicker through the gloom in the sea of Ithaca. Flashing visible from anywhere with just a click. Flash that guides the achievement of supplies and allies for the daily war of subsistence, to settle down, grow and even to send remittances home, as these victorious warriors do after those epic days of daily battles in a strange land, more difficult when they lack of the relevant safe-conduct. That of Revista Latina is also a glow that illuminates the path of the uncertain course of those who up to now undertake or will undertake a long-distance journey, awaiting uncertainty, adventure and a handful of dream successes that those new Quixotes will hopefully soon of today’s world can see crystallized.

Congratulations, more challenges and prizes to come!
Wilson Rogelio Enciso
Latina Magazine Columnist